In Life Personal

Memory of 2014

Counting the days to the new year...

2014 = completely unforgetable

So thankful to my Big Great Wonderful GOD to make my 2014 perfect in His plan. So many things yang Tuhan kasih buatku dan keluargaku. Begitu banyak joyfulness, happiness, smiles, blessings, dan semua hal yang penuh sukacita. One of hymn songs said like this: "Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau kan kagum oleh kasihNya - KJ 439". And here I am, amaze with His blessings :")
Sebenernya sih kalau di suruh hitung berkat Tuhan, we can't pastinya karena berkat Tuhan itu unlimited nilainya, uncountable. Dari nafas kita sehari-hari aja, itu sudah berkat Tuhan, bukan? Itulah kenapa Allah disebut sebagai Allah yang Mahakasih dan sumber rahmat. 1 year, 12 months, 365 days, severals hours and minutes and seconds, God did the perfect plan to build my self in 2014. Remembering in the Christmas Eve last year, I still did my thesis experiment in Serpong, so did the New year eve haha. Times flied so fast...

Kalau biasanya flash back dari the oldest moments, in this time I'll reverse the method from the freshly new to the oldest one. Here are...

Tahun 2014 adalah tahun penuh rasa syukur :")

Christ is the most precious gift in this Christmas.  
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV)
This year gue hanya mengikuti 1 kali ibadah perayaan natal (exclude ibadah umum Christmas eve dan Natal 1 yah, itu sih wajib hukumnya), yaitu Natal Perkantas. Padahal biasanya kebanjiran datang ke perayaan-perayaan natal tuh. But, no matter the quantity yang penting respon akan Firman natalnya.

-Resign from PEMI, farewell parties but not as easy as I think
Apa yang membuat tidak mudah? Not about the bureaucracy of the procedures of resign, but it's about leave your new best partners or friends or people there. There is always any goodbye every any hello. I don't want to be sad because I remember the feeling of leaving them, so I didn't write it in this post. Sorry :"(
Thank you for made my Dec, 30th very very amazing. Farewell party-nya sedih banget. Sekalian sama Icha dan Bang Evard juga. Good luck for us my sis and bro :)

- I'll be entering the public sector, Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Kementerian Keuangan RI
Pengumumannya tanggal 19 Desember, which was H+2 dari tanggal ulang tahun gue buaahaha. Inget banget, dari bangun tidur gue gak berhenti nge-refresh homepage-nya kemenkeu. Dan setiap kali itu homepage ke refresh, gue deg-degan setengah mati. Super lebay, yeah I know it. Abis gimana dong, namanya juga penasaran. Finally at 7 p.m the announcement was published. There was my name there. Betapa bahagianya melihat Mami nangis terharu dan bangga pas gue kasih tau hasilnya :")

-Happy 22nd Birthday
Getting older on December 17. So, the mean soundtrack of the month is 22 by Taylor Swift haha. Ya half of people said: "Mungkin sudah waktunya memikirkan jodoh". Siapa yang gak mikirin sih? Yang mampir aja tuh yang belum sempet upsss wkwkwk. Thank God I turned 22nd yo.

-Le Mariage 
No no no, it's not me haha. Happy wedding to my cousin, Bang Harry dengan Kak Riri. Happy Engage to my cousin too, Kak Santi dengan Bang Petrus. May God bless your new family. Jadi ceritanya banyak jahit baju nih tahun ini hihi.

-Consolidation Month of the year
Why I titled this moment like this? Karena dibulan November ini tiap minggunya ada konsolidasi departemen di kantor. Konsolidasi pertama yang juga gue ikutin adalah konsolidasi management perusahaan di Puncak. Standard sih tapi mewah haha norak gue maklum zaman mahasiswa dulu yang namanya konsolidasi selalu terbentur dengan dana hehe. Konsolidasi kedua yang harusnya gue ikut adalah konsolidasi QA Departemen, tapi berhubung ada acara tunangan sepupu di hari yang sama jadi gue gak ikut konsolidasinya deh.

-PASKHAS and Character Building
This moment was one of unforgettable moments in this year. In this moment, I know better about my partner characteristic (even though now we can said it 'ex'). How is their truly leadership style, interest, character, and personality. They are totally different one and each other haha but I though I started to love them and enjoy the togetherness with them. Actually, I was so sad to be separated with them and I'm gonna miss you all guys :"(

 -PSPO lil Reunion
D-1 went to Subang, there were 4 (crazy lovely) people (Ka Ares, Monica, Agnes, dan Josua) ask me out to Puncak where was so far away from my house brrr. So, insane. More insane fact was, finally I agreed to join them whereas the next day I must go to Subang to get Character Building program from my office. But, gue gak menyesalinya karena honestly I really miss them, much. Acara makan cantik di Nicole's Kitchen Cipanas berakhir dengan dorong mobil legend-nya Josua di Cipanas. Tired but fun and this was my first time dorong-dorong mobil di Puncak :D

-Selamat Bertugas Bapak Presiden dan Bapak Wakil Presiden
22 Oktober 2014, Presiden Joko Widodo dan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kala resmi dilantik menjadi Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia.

-Konser Koinonia
Konser kedua bersama NHKBP Maranatha Rawalumbu di tahun 2014. Konser Koinonia ini adalah Konser yang diselenggarakan oleh semua seksi di bawah Dewan Koinonia Gereja. Ada Seksi Sekolah Minggu, Remaja, Pemuda, Ama, dan Ina. Puji Tuhan, konser ini berlangsung dengan lancar walaupun dalam persiapannya serba mendadak.

-Happy Birthday Mam dan Pah
My parents were getting older. Mam (Oct 6) and Pah (Oct 13). So happy to give them special gifts from my own money. Their smiles are my strength. Love you both, Mam, Pah.

-Pesta Bolon HKBP
September 29th, pemuda-pemudi HKBP yang berasal dari Jabodetabek-Yogya-Jateng mengadakan Pesta Bolon di Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Honestly, gak ngerti banget sama konsep acaranya dan sorry I got nothing from this event. But, satu yang membanggakan adalah pemuda HKBP mampu mengadakan acara sebesar ini di tempat yang seluas ini. Proud of the comittees of this event.

-Independent Day of Republic of Indonesia
Happy 69th Indonesia...
I'm so excited to celebrate and remember the history of Indonesia. Tapi sedihnya adalah tahun ini gak pasang bendera di rumah dan gak ikut upacara bendera. Semoga di usianya yang semakin bertambah ini, Indonesia bisa menjadi negara yang lebih maju dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan bagi kemuliaan Tuhan.

-Lebaran's Holiday
As usual, Komsel Uteng mengadakan trip kembali tiap tahunnya. Tahun ini temanya adalah jelajah Lembang. Dari Kampung Gajah ke Kampung Daun terus ada acara mobil mogok di Lembang yang membuat perjalanan ke Perendaman Air Panas Ciater menjadi gagal haha. Untunglah Tuhan masih sayang kami semua hehe liburan gak sia-sia karena masih bisa lanjut ke Floating Market dan kulineran di Bandung. So flat sih, tapi lumayanlah dari pada bengong di rumah.

-Le Merriage
Happy Wedding kakak sepupuku, Kak Deka dengan Bang Ian. Satu per satu sepupu-sepupu udah mulai menikah haha. I wish your new family always full of happiness and the grace from the God :)

-Pesta Gondang NHKBP Maranatha 2014
Wow ini pertama kalinya Naposo Maranatha ngadain Pesta Gondang. Meriah banget dan dapet banget the essential of Bataknese-nya. Katanya sih, Pesta Gondang itu zaman dahulu kala digunakan untuk nyari jodoh di kampung-kampung buahahahaa. Tapi sayangnya di Pesta Gondang kali ini belum ada tuh yang nemu jodohnya wkwkwk :p
Four thumbs deh buat semua Naposo-Remaja Maranatha, setiap event yang kita semua buat, selalu keren dan berhasil. Suka banget deh sama kekompakan semuanya :)

-Pisah Sambut
Tahun ini ada 2 orang pendeta di gereja gue yang bakal pindah, yaitu Amang Pdt. JAU Doloksaribu dan Inang Pdt. Herlina Hasibuan. Beliau-beliau ini akan digantikan dengan 2 orang pendeta baru dan ditambah lagi dengan 2 orang pendeta. Total ada 4 orang pendeta di gereja kami sekarang. Terima kasih amang dan inang atas pelayanannya di gereja kami. Tuhan berkati pelayanan selanjutnya dimanapun Tuhan tempatkan.

-Pilpres 2014
Pesta Demokrasi Indonesia terjadi pada tahun 2014, tepatnya pada tanggal 9 Juli 2014. This was my first time ikut berpartisipasi langsung dalam pemilihan presiden RI. Dimana Bapak Presiden SBY akan digantikan oleh Presiden baru yang di pilih melalui Pemilihan Umum secara demokrasi. Dan selamat kepada Bapak Joko Widodo yang terpilih menjadi Presiden RI 2014-2019 dan Bapak Jusuf Kala sebagai Wakil Presiden RI 2014-2019. Semoga dapat membawa Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik lagi.

-Curug Nangka with The Chilhood Genk
It was one of the unforgetable moment of the year. Mengenang kembali masa-masa SMP bareng Erika, Efod, Jonket, Abay, Putu, and Robi. Karena liburan mumet entah mau pergi kemana, berbekal nekat naik mobil legend-nya Efod, kita sabut ke Curug Nangka haha.

Sorry, I forgot the unforgetable moment in this month hehe...

-Lady Worker
My first salary as a worker yuhuuuu. Gak besar sih tapi cukuplah untuk make a living for my self plus sama jajan-jajannya hehe. I was learning a new lesson about a company, system, people, document, and so on which are so different from what I've learn in the campuss. It was a new experience working on Japanese company dengan disiplin yang sangat tinggi. But I was so happy here to met so many new friends. Di sini perlahan-lahan gue mulai menyadari betapa kerasnya dunia pekerjaan itu.

-Selamat Jalan, Bapak Tua...
Bapak Tua Deka berpulang ke rumah Bapa di bulan Mei ini. Kesedihan yang luar biasa kami sekeluarga rasakan, setelah tahun lalu keluarga ini di tinggalkan oleh adik kecil kami. Tapi kami percaya bahwa Tuhan sanggup menghibur hati kami semua. Bapak Tua sudah tenang bersama Bapa di surga. Selamat jalan, Bapak Tua kami yang kami cintai...

-Happy Wedding, Hestia!
The first marriage in Metal 2010, May 25th. Happy wedding, my bestie, Hestia Hartini Novitasari! Gak nyangka, Hestia benar-benar menikah haha. God bless her new lil family.

-Konser Mahakarya Pdt. JAU Doloksaribu
Untuk menghargai mahakarya dari lagu-lagu ciptaan Amang Pdt. JAU Doloksaribu, seluruh seksi di Gereja HKBP Maranatha Rawalumbu menyanyikan lagu-lagu ciptaan  beliau di konser tersebut. Ini konser pertama NHKBP Maranatha di tahun 2014, setelah tahun lalu sukses dengan Mini Concert Parheheon.

-New Job
Yuhuuuu I've got my new job after thousand times trying to apply for a job. Welcome to PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia as a Management Trainee. First time to work and sign the contract held on May 2nd. It almost 2 months after the graduation. Thank God, it didn't take too long time.

-NHKBP Maranatha
Kepengurusan 2012-2014 NHKBP Maranatha sudah berakhir. Terpilihlah pengurus-pengurus baru yang diketuai oleh Kak Devy Surya Napitupulu, bersama sekretaris Bang Norman Collin Sinaga dan gue sebagai bendahara. God gave us another 17 servants to serve Him in our youth community church. Selama 2 tahun akan bekerja bersama-sama di ladangnya Tuhan. God leads us to walk working in His way. Amen.

-Hello Hometown
Pulang kampung. Kebetulan ada kakak sepupu nikah di Duri, gue yang pengangguran ini pun akhirnya ngikut deh. Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke kampung halaman di daerah Goting, Lagu Boti dan Sitio-tio, Porsea, Sumatera Utara. How great the Thou art!! Pemandangan alam Indonesia yang luar biasa, Praise our Lord!!

Seeking of any job was start in here. Ngerasain deh akhirnya gimana itu bikin CV yang oke, interview, FGD, psikotest, dan test-test lainnya untuk melamar lowongan pekerjaan. Ada seninya tersendiri deh, pergi ke Jobfair, surfing the jobseek's website, sampai nanya-nanya senior tentang lowongan di kantornya haha.

-Besties's Stress of SKRIPSWEET
Pengangguran macam gue ini sering banget di ajakin jalan-jalan sama orang-orang yang lagi stress sama skripsinya. Begitu pun dengan Monica, Ka Ares, Nia, dan Ito. Jadilah kita ke pantai Ancol deket Ancol Beach Mall bak sinetron-sinetron FTV Indonesia, lari-larian di pinggir pantai sambil teriak-teriak gak jelas. But, we enjoyed that time. The time of refresh our brain and made it stress-less.

-Graduation Day
Yeah finally I've got my toga here, in Balairung, February 8th with Metallurgy and Materials 2010. So excited here!! 3,5 years of study akhirnya berakhir bahagia disini. But, it was not the end of the life. Life must go on and I think It was the beginning of my true life haha. Dunia alumni yang katanya begitu keras, jobseeker menanti di depan mata. What will I do after this graduation? Make a money haha and continue my study to the master program of Management. Amin.

-Martabak Pecenongan in the Middle of Night
Wacana ini sudah diangkat dari Natal 2012, dan gak mau hanya sebatas wacana saja. Akhirnya tengah malam pun kami jabanin buat ngejar martabak yang kata orang enak ini. Martabak toblerone dan nutella yang berjualan di daerah Pecenongan. Gue, Erika, Akbar, Putu, Jonket, dan Elias pun akhirnya nekat ke sini jam 11 malam brrr. Lagi musim banjir akibat hujan badai pun kami tempuh haha tapi semua terbayar ketika merasakan the taste of the martabak. 

-DUFAN with PANPEN 2010
 After a long time planned about holiday or consolidation before we had graduation, finally we had got holiday in Dunia Fantasi, Ancol. Buahahaha biasa banget sih, tapi yang penting itu kebersamaannya. I love them so much :)

- Sidang skripsi
Sidang skripsi gue (Jan 5) yang which was draft-nya baru selesai 30 menit sebelum sidang. So insane ckckck. Natalan tahun lalu dan Tahun baruan tahun ini adalah yang paling tidak hikmat sepanjang masa. Dihantui dengan revisi draft dan sidang skripsi. Tapi Puji Tuhan semuanya boleh selesai dengan baik.

The Conclusions:
So many blessings in this year.
So many happiness', laughs, tears, smiles, and mixed feelings.
So many marriage hehe.
Thank God for all the things :) 

Happy New Year,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Profesional

So Many Things

Hey, how are you doing? I think, it's been a long time I didn't write, it's over two months. It because I've been so(k) busy with my job around this two months. I've hated of being away like this, I've lost  so much time because I was too busy with that. And in this post, I have so many things to tell you around my-where-are-you-dee-in-this-two-months. Hmm, so hard to begin the post haha...

* New Best Team
One of Management Trainee's Programs in my company is Pelatihan Militer. WOW. Yeah a week of military things in PASKHAS Subang on Nov 10-14th, 2014. Ini adalah markasnya Angkatan Udara RI di Subang. Who's join this program? All Management Trainees with four Japan Interpreters. Sampai di Subang jangan pikir kita langsung leha-leha makan siang, di jemur coy. Ya, dijemur di bawah sinar matahari jam 12 siang, merangkak dengan sikut lewat kolong mobil tentara (tronton) yang bau bensin, jalan jongkok keliling markas sambil nyanyi lagu Syukur (untung gue hafal haha) dan another kegitan yang sangat menyiksa fisik. Awalnya gue ngerasa bakal krik krik banget nih menggabungkan anak MT Batch 1 & 2 bareng Interpreters juga dalam kegiatan beginian, secara di kantor kita gak deket-deket amat gitu.Tapi, seminggu di PASKHAS bikin kita makin kompak. Fellowship-nya dapet banget, semakin sehati dan semakin kenal kepribadian tiap-tiap orangnya. Di tambah lagi besoknya kita ada Konsolidasi Management PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia di Puncak selama dua hari. Overall, badan remuk-remuk terbayar sama kekompakan tim baru kita. Love you, guys :)
19 peserta bersama para pelatih PASKHAS
Konsolidasi Management PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia with Presiden Director (Mr. Sugimoto), Factory Manager (Mr. Kondo), Board of Top Management and Management Trainees
* (almost) 15 Hours Worker A Day
Yeah, It's been one of thousand reasons why I didn't write this blog for so long time. Kebayang dong 15 jam kerja. Yah, gak sepenuhnya 15 jam sih haha. Ini total dari gue pergi dari kosan sampai gue sampai di kosan lagi. Lemme tell you, I went to work at 6 a.m every morning, normal work until 4 p.m. But, I entered QA Departement, which the boss nyuruh kita buat stand by along the night kalau tau-tau tiba-tiba ada claim dari customers. Jadilah kebanyakan (bahkan hampir semua) supervisior di sini pulang jam 9 p.m, sampai kosan lagi jam 10 p.m. What a 15 hours to work kan? hiks :(
Gak setiap hari sih, seminggu itu gue pulang jam 9 bisa 3-4 kali, selebihnya? Pulang normal? Oh, no. Paling cepat pulang jam 7 p.m. Brrrr, melepuh gak tuh badan? Lucky me, I met humble and fun people here. So, I didn't feel much stress everyday, even always full of laugh. Tapi kan tetep aja badan gue gempor kerja sampai 15 jam gitu.

My pity desk
* 22nd Birthday
New age, I turned 22 on December 17. Well happy 22nd birthday to me. I can't believe another year has past and I'm really 22 haha. Praise the Lord for the new age. Bersyukur banget rasanya tahun ini. God has gave too many things to me. Getting older is not about how old you are, but how you can control your responsibility maturely. Mature is no matter how old you are, but how far you have self control every breath you take. And I'm still learning about that. Gak minta banyak di ulang tahun ini. Hanya minta supaya Tuhan lebih mendewasakan hati gue dalam situasi apapun, baik itu berat atau pun senang. I would like to thank everyone for their wishes and blessings, I really appreciate it with all my heart. Dan entah kenapa, wishes-nya banyakan tentang pasangan hidup buahaha lucu juga sih kalau direnungin. Di-amin-kan saja deh, toh itu kan doa juga buat gue haha.
Anyway super thank you buat QA Team yang udah kasih surprise. Gak nyangka deh bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu ini bisa juga ngasih surprise ulang tahun yang super unyu.

Birthday cake from Ain, Regina, and Helmi :)
* CPNS Kemenkeu
Oh actually it was a secret, because diam-diam gue ngelamar CPNS selama masih bekerja hehe. Bosan dan muak dengan birokrasi pelayanan di Indonesia adalah sebagian kecil alasan gue untuk ikut CPNS. Another reasons ya karena orang tua dan 'kepastian' di masa depan. Alasan utamanya, please ask my self secara langsung. Setelah melalui tahapan seleksi yang sangat panjang dari bulan Juli-Desember 2014, akhirnya tanggal 19 Desember yang lalu sampailah pada pengumuman akhir CPNS Kemenkeu 2014.  Puji Tuhan and Praise the Lord, I passed the test. Hello Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai Kementerian Keuangan RI!! In the next post, I'll tell you about how I struggle this requirement. It became the greatest birthday present from God. Thank God :)
The conclusion of keterimanya gue di Kemenkeu adalah gue harus resign dari PT EDS Manufacturing Indonesia yang selama ini sudah memberikan so many lessons about dunia kerja yang sebenarnya. Sedih banget rasanya berpisah dengan Best Team dan QA Team yang baru saja merasakan kesehatian dan keakraban yang luar biasa. But, life must go on dan kita harus memilih. Good luck and thank you for you all! See you next time :")

Dewi Lestari Natalia

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In Life Song

When Did You Fall by Chris Rice

You're all smiles and silly conversations
As if this sunny day came just for you
You twist your hair, your smile and you turn your eyes away
Come on, tell me what's right with you

Now it dawns on me, probably everybody's talking
And there's something here I'm supposed to realize
'Cause your secret's out and the universe laughs at its joke on me
I just caught it in your eyes, it's a beautiful surprise

When did you fall in love with me?
Was it out of the blue?
'Cause I swear I never knew it

When did you let your heart run free?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?
When did you fall in love?

Make your way over here, sit down by this fool and let's rewind
Come on, let's go back and replay all our scenes
You could point out the hints, the clues, the twists
And the smiles this time, all the ones that slipped by me

I bet my face is red and you can hear my heart pounding
Well, I guess it don't matter now that I realize
'Cause baby, I missed it then but I can surely see you now
Right here before my eyes, you're my beautiful surprise

When did you fall in love with me?
Was it out of the blue?
'Cause I swear I never knew it

When did you let your heart run free?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?
When did you fall in love?

Was it at the coffee shop?
Or was it that morning at the bus stop?
When you almost slipped and I caught your hand
Or the time we built the snowman?

The day at the beach, sandy and warm
Or the night with the scary thunderstorm?
I never saw the signs and we've got to make up for lost time
And I can tell now by the way that you're looking at me
I better finish this song so my lips will be free, yeah

Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love?
I kept you waiting so long

When did you fall?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?
When did you fall in love?

Was it at the coffee shop
Or that morning at the bus stop?
I never saw the signs, no, no

'Cause I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall
I'm about to fall in love
And I need to know
When did you fall for me?

My lips will be free
My lips are free
My lips are free

Dewi Lestari Natalia

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In Life Personal

ENFJ Personality

Secara iseng, gue suka ikut-ikutan test kepribadian di beberapa website test kepribadian gratis. Belakangan, gue coba explore lagi kepribadian gue lewat test kepribadian MBTI di website ini. Overall, ada 16 tipe kepribadian berdasarkan website ini. Diantaranya adalah:

And the result is I'm totally an extrovert one and I really know it haha. Hasil lebih tepatnya adalah ENFJ (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging). Let's see the explanation below!

ENFJ Personality
"Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds." -- David Deida
ENFJs are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, ENFJs take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.

People are drawn to strong personalities, and ENFJs radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. They find it natural and easy to communicate with others, especially in person, and their Intuitive (N) trait helps people with the ENFJ personality type to reach every mind, be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. ENFJs easily see people's motivations and seemingly disconnected events, and are able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

The interest ENFJs have in others is genuine, almost to a fault - when they believe in someone, they can become too involved in the other person's problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophesy, as ENFJs' altruism and authenticity inspire those they care about to become better themselves. But if they aren't careful, they can overextend their optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they're ready or willing to go.

ENFJs are vulnerable to another snare as well: they have a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing their own feelings, but if they get too caught up in another person's plight, they can develop a sort of emotional hypochondria, seeing other people's problems in themselves, trying to fix something in themselves that isn't wrong. If they get to a point where they are held back by limitations someone else is experiencing, it can hinder ENFJs' ability to see past the dilemma and be of any help at all. When this happens, it's important for ENFJs to pull back and use that self-reflection to distinguish between what they really feel, and what is a separate issue that needs to be looked at from another perspective. THE STRUGGLE OUGHT NOT TO DETER US FROM THE SUPPORT OF A CAUSE WE BELIEVE TO BE JUST
ENFJs are genuine, caring people who talk the talk and walk the walk, and nothing makes them happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating their team with infectious enthusiasm.
People with the ENFJ personality type are passionate altruists, sometimes even to a fault, and they are unlikely to be afraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the people and ideas they believe in. It is no wonder that many famous ENFJs are US Presidents - this personality type wants to lead the way to a brighter future, whether it's by leading a nation to prosperity, or leading their little league softball team to a hard-fought victory.

  1. Tolerant - ENFJs are true team players, and they recognize that that means listening to other peoples' opinions, even when they contradict their own. They admit they don't have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.
  2. Reliable - The one thing that galls ENFJs the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause they believe in. If it's possible, ENFJs can always be counted on to see it through.
  3. Charismatic - Charm and popularity are qualities ENFJs have in spades. They instinctively know how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow them to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint - whatever the situation calls for. Talented imitators, ENFJs are able to shift their tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining their own voice.
  4. Altruistic - Uniting these qualities is ENFJs' unyielding desire to do good in and for their communities, be it in their own home or the global stage. Warm and selfless, ENFJs genuinely believe that if they can just bring people together, they can do a world of good.
  5. Natural Leaders - More than seeking authority themselves, ENFJs often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of their strong personality and positive vision.
  1. Overly Idealistic - People with the ENFJ personality type can be caught off guard as they find that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against them and defy the principles they've adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. They are more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté.
  2. Too Selfless - ENFJs can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren't careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone.
  3. Too Sensitive - While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for ENFJs to take it a little too much to heart. Their sensitivity to others means that ENFJs sometimes feel problems that aren't their own and try to fix things they can't fix, worrying if they are doing enough.
  4. Fluctuating Self-Esteem - ENFJs define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they'd help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet.
  5. Struggle to Make Tough Decisions - If caught between a rock and a hard place, ENFJs can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.

People who share the ENFJ personality type feel most at home when they are in a relationship, and few types are more eager to establish a loving commitment with their chosen partners. ENFJs take dating and relationships seriously, selecting partners with an eye towards the long haul, rather than the more casual approach that might be expected from some Explorer (SP) types. There's really no greater joy for ENFJs than to help along the goals of someone they care about, and the interweaving of lives that a committed relationship represents is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Even in the dating phase, people with the ENFJ personality type are ready to show their commitment by taking the time and effort to establish themselves as dependable, trustworthy partners.
Their Intuitive (N) trait helps them to keep up with the rapidly shifting moods that are common early in relationships, but ENFJs will still rely on conversations about their mutual feelings, checking the pulse of the relationship by asking how things are, and if there's anything else they can do. While this can help to keep conflict, which ENFJs abhor, to a minimum, they also risk being overbearing or needy - ENFJs should keep in mind that sometimes the only thing that's wrong is being asked what's wrong too often.

ENFJs don't need much to be happy, just to know that their partner is happy, and for their partner to express that happiness through visible affection. Making others' goals come to fruition is often the chiefest concern of ENFJs, and they will spare no effort in helping their partner to live the dream. If they aren't careful though, ENFJs' quest for their partners' satisfaction can leave them neglecting their own needs, and it's important for them to remember to express those needs on occasion, especially early on.

ENFJs' tendency to avoid any kind of conflict, sometimes even sacrificing their own principles to keep the peace, can lead to long-term problems if these efforts never fully resolve the underlying issues that they mask. On the other hand, people with the ENFJ personality type can sometimes be too preemptive in resolving their conflicts, asking for criticisms and suggestions in ways that convey neediness or insecurity. ENFJs invest their emotions wholly in their relationships, and are sometimes so eager to please that it actually undermines the relationship - this can lead to resentment, and even the failure of the relationship. When this happens, ENFJs experience strong senses of guilt and betrayal, as they see all their efforts slip away.

If potential partners appreciate these qualities though, and make an effort themselves to look after the needs of their ENFJ partners, they will enjoy long, happy, passionate relationships. ENFJs are known to be dependable lovers, perhaps more interested in routine and stability than spontaneity in their sex lives, but always dedicated to the selfless satisfaction of their partners. Ultimately, ENFJ personality types believe that the only true happiness is mutual happiness, and that's the stuff successful relationships are made of.

When it comes to friendships, ENFJs are anything but passive. While some personality types may accept the circumstantial highs and lows of friendship, their feelings waxing and waning with the times, ENFJs will put active effort into maintaining these connections, viewing them as substantial and important, not something to let slip away through laziness or inattention.
This philosophy of genuine connection is core to the ENFJ personality type, and while it is visible in the workplace and in romance, it is clearest in the breadth and depth of ENFJ friendships.
People with the ENFJ personality type take genuine pleasure in getting to know other people, and have no trouble talking with people of all types and modes of thought. Even in disagreement, other perspectives are fascinating to ENFJs - though like most people, they connect best with individuals who share their principles and ideals, and Diplomats (NF) and Analysts (NT) are best able to explore ENFJs' viewpoints with them, which are simply too idealistic for most. It is with these closest friends that ENFJs will truly open up, keeping their many other connections in a realm of lighthearted but genuine support and encouragement.

Others truly value their ENFJ friends, appreciating the warmth, kindness, and sincere optimism and cheer they bring to the table. ENFJs want to be the best friends possible, and it shows in how they work to find out not just the superficial interests of their friends, but their strengths, passions, hopes and dreams. Nothing makes ENFJs happier than to see the people they care about do well, and they are more than happy to take their own time and energy to help make it happen.

While ENFJs enjoy lending this helping hand, other personality types may simply not have the energy or drive to keep up with it - creating further strain, people with the ENFJ personality type can become offended if their efforts aren't reciprocated when the opportunity arises. Ultimately, ENFJs' give and take can become stifling to types who are more interested in the moment than the future, or who simply have Identities that rest firmly on the Assertive side, making them content with who they are and uninterested in the sort of self-improvement and goal-setting that ENFJs hold so dear.

When this happens ENFJ personalities can be critical, if they believe it necessary. While usually tactful and often helpful, if their friend is already annoyed by ENFJs' attempts to push them forward, it can simply cause them to dig in their heels further. ENFJs should try to avoid taking this personally when it happens, and relax their inflexibility into an occasional "live and let live" attitude.

Ultimately though, ENFJs will find that their excitement and unyielding optimism will yield them many satisfying relationships with people who appreciate and share their vision and authenticity. The joy ENFJs take in moving things forward means that there is always a sense of purpose behind their friendships, creating bonds that are not easily shaken.

Trully ENFJ,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Thoughts

Quote by Audrey Hepburn

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In Life Profesional

A Lady Worker Daily

I am a worker now, who spend my Monday to Friday in my work activities as an Management Trainee in Japan manufacturing company. We know so well how Japan companies carry out their management, right? So rigid, clumsy, and discipline. First time I joined this company I didn't even sure that I would be a part of this company. But God took me here (until now). Here's the story goes: I am an Engineer, Metallurgy and Materials Engineer. I've studied about metals, steels, minerals, materials, manufacturing, chemical, extraction, corrosion, failure analysis, etc for around 3,5 years. This head off course almost crack and 'berjamur' (I don't know what's the correlation of this two words). On the other hand, I work and learn something which is so far far far far away from this things in my work daily time. I've met so many new things, new challenges, and so many new things that's called 'bukan gue banget' in this Japan company with almost full of Japan's culture authorities.

Within my working months, I have actually done a lot lot lot lot of contemplation. My heart said that I should go back and give 'my Metallurgy Engineer' another try. But sometimes, my brain spoke that I should do my favorite kinds of activity like something art or journalism corner. Besides, I have never stopped loving art and designing, writting, and my inner self wanted to explore that side of me. For this contemplation, I've thought year by year, month by month, day by day, and time by time ago, until now, yeaaaaah I swear. But.... Okay, that's still swimming in the deepest of my heart haha. I have not take my final decision yet.

And here I am as a lady worker (with 'itu-lagi--itu-lagi' activity). My typical day goes like this: wake up at 4 am (if I go to work from my home) or at 5:30 am (if I stay at my rent home-near the office) – catch my driver that leaves at 6 am – arrive work at 6:30 am – leaves the office at 4:30 pm with my driver – arrive home at 5:30 pm – take a breath and bath, then dinner, read or write, chat, and sleep. I tried my best to plug myself away to write or read before bed, because I do love writting and sharing my mind. But it has always brought complications to my job (waking up late, being unproductive, losing focus at work, etc). In short, with a full-time job like this, squeezing an hour or two to write before I go to bed could be back-breaking. Nevertheless, I still write in my blog draft even it has not be posted yet haha because I have not finish them.

I have been having a full-time job for five months now. Because of the experiences, I have realised that I might not be the only person stretching themselves to work in a job that requires full, 5 days x 8 hours (minimum!) of commitment per week; while at the same time, still protect my dreams and find ways to reach them. In terms of managing these activities, I arrange my strategy to do all the things that I love without break my full-time job. Thanks to weekends hehe :). My Monday to Friday activity is my absolute-fix-activity (exclude the night time, maybe I can put something to do there unconditionally). Remember, there are Saturday and Sunday, my free weekends hehe. I take this weekend to do my refreshing activities, like hanging out, shopping, hibernating, meeting the old friends, even writting blog. 

My weekends always full of happiness activities (in order of that, you must make an appointment ahead of very long time to go with me :p). In a day of my weekends, I can go to five to six different destinations or maybe just one destination in a full of day. I'm a high-mobility type of person. I can meet my lovely friends to make a chat until we forget the time, go to wedding party (believe it or not, wedding is my favorite event. It's sweet and touched), go to salon-body spa-hair treatment, spend my family time, heart-to-heart talk, take a gym or sport exercise (jogging, swimming), clean my house, or just silent sit in the cafe and take my laptop writting my blog. 

My so happy weekends activities balance my so smooth weekdays activities. It makes my days more colorful because colors make me happy. I figured out that my daily activities are to spread happiness by creating something that brings smiles to other people's faces. By delivering more colors. By being positive because positivity is contagious. By helping as many people as I can. The point is don't let yourself trapped in to your busy work time, do more of what makes you happy, any days :)

Love my worker daily time,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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