In Life Personal


Have you ever heard about the title of this post? Since long time ago, I have a very fear feel of seeing a dog or some. Some people called it 'phobia', but I don't know at all. Gimana yah, for me it's just like ketakutan yang lebay aja gitu kalau lihat anjing bagaimana pun bentuknya, it means anjing secara nyata atau hanya gambarnya. Tapi yang jelas, kalau melihat anjing gue merasa seperti melihat monster besar yang siap mengejar kemudian menyantap dan menggigit daging gue, iyuuuuh uwoooh mengerikan bukan? Thank God, karena semakin lama ketakutan gue ini sudah sedikit berkurang, sekarang gue gak takut lagi kalau melihat gambar anjing (because some of my friends laughed at me saat gue teriak-teriak ketakutan dan minta pindah tempat. Malu banget dong diketawain gitu, akhirnya mulailah gue memberanikan diri sedikit demi sedikit dengan memberi pandangan positif setiap melihat gambar anjing). Tapi tetep yah, kalau melihat anjing secara nyata ketakutan gue itu belum hilang sama sekali. Recently, I have read an article about phobia and I have found that someone who has a fear of dogs called "CYNOPHOBIA"

Firstly, let's talk about phobia itself. Secara harafiah, kata phobia sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani, yakni phobos yang berarti lari, takut dan panik, takut hebat. Phobia juga didefinisikan sebagai kecemasan neurotik yang tidak rasional terhadap sesuatu atau situasi yang sebenarnya tidak menakutkan namun menyebabkan seseorang untuk menghindarinya karena dianggap sesuatu atau situasi tersebut dapat mengancam hidupnya. Phobia juga menyebabkan tekanan secara fisik dan psikologis dan dapat berdampak pada kemampuan seseorang untuk dapat beraktifitas secara normal. Beberapa gejala phobia antara lain: rasa gelisah yang tidak terkontrol, gemetar, berkeringat, wajah memerah, pusing, beteriak, tidak mampu beraktifitas secara normal, merasa lemas dan bahkan bisa sampai pingsan. According to that things, I'm officially a cynophobia. I'll be so abnormal and sometimes scream lebay-ly, bahkan kadang bisa sampai nangis sambil loncat-loncat loh. Oh ya, because phobia is familiar enough, sometimes orang-orang juga salah mengartikannya. Misalnya takut melihat ular, normally semua orang pasti akan takut kalau melihat ular. Tapi kalo ketakutannya sampe menghasilkan gejala-gejala abnormal seperti yang tadi telah dijelasan (bahkan melihat gambarnya saja sudah takut minta ampun) bisa jadi memang itu adalah phobia. Namun, jika hanya takut and that's it ya itu hanya ketakutan saja, tidak sampai kepada gejala phobia.

Some minutes ago, I googled and found that phobia of dog called cynophobia. Ceritanya saat gue SD, lagi ngetren banget tuh yang namanya becak mini dan gue pun ikut-ikutan mendadak jadi tukang becak mini seperti teman-teman gue lainnya. Saat itu juga ada salah satu tetangga gue yang memelihara anjing dan selalu mengajak anjingnya jalan-jalan sore. Sore itu gue bermain becak mini dan melewati tetangga gue yang sedang mengajak anjingnya jalan-jalan, entah kenapa anjing itu lari dan mengejar gue, mendekati kaki gue dan menjilatnya, iyuuuuuh banget dan gue pun turun dari becak sembari langsung berlari kencang. Namanya juga anjing yah, semakin kita lari, semakin gesit dia mengejar. Celana gue digigit oleh anjing itu dan sampai akhirnya gue jatuh dan masuk ke dalam comberan atau got. Jelaslah I cried at that time, loudly. Since that time, gue mengalami ketakutan yang sangat berlebihan dengan anjing. Mulai dari melihat anjing dari jarak jauh, melihat gambarnya saja langsung merinding, mendengar guk-guk-nya, mencium baunya, dan gue sangat tidak mau disuruh untuk memakannya (secara I'm bataknese and there's no worry to eat dog's meat). If I see a dog, my reactions is so lebay include running away, freezing in terror, and attempting to hide. I might shake, feel nauseated or disoriented, or even begin to cry.

Indonesian proverb that say "bisa karena biasa" applies to me, sejak masuk FTUI yang notabennya memelihara sangat banyak anjing yang selalu berkeliaran di lingkungan kampus, gue mulai terbiasa dengan kondisi tersebut. Untunglah anjing-anjing itu jinak dan tidak as aggressive as anjingnya tetangga gue. Tapi yah gue tetep lebay kalau disamperin anjing sampai dengan jarak 2 meter kurang. All dogs are bad dogs.

This is more information about cynophobia:

Truly cynophobia,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Profesional

The Graduation Day

February 8th, 2014

Finally, akhirnya gue memakai toga dan disumpah sebagai seorang wisudawan. I'm so thank God for this thing, apalagi kalau mengingat perjuangannya untuk bisa seperti ini. Like I promised you on the last post, I'll tell you about this day, my graduation day, my day, oh my favorite one. I am the first child in my family means that it was my family's first graduate celebration, yeah and I could see how my mam and pap were very happy atau lebih ke rempong tepatnya, but that was not a problem. 
Dewi Lestari Natalia Marpaung, ST
In this post, I would like to move my foreword in my thesis. Yeah behind my graduation there are so many people there who support and pray for me, give extra spirit and motivation to me, remind me of God who's always stay there beside me, teach me how to be more patient and tough, and so many thing so many things. I thank you for all of you, wholeheartedly...
  1. Jesus Christ, I have no more word to express my gratitude (hundred, thousand, no but more than that). I love you with all I am, dear my Almighty Lord. Thank you for Your Word in Philippians 4:13 (Paulus Letter to the Philippians), I really love that Word and that's my motto of life which encourage me in my down mood.
  2. Mami and Papa, I thank God for both of you. You are my inspiration and motivation, oh no that's more than that, you are my everything. I have not become a pride daughter but I promise you sometimes I will. 
  3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si, She is my professor who guide and lead me to do my thesis experience. She gaves me advice, motivation, spirit, and encouragement to finish my thesis. She is a brilliant lecturer and mom too. Thank you, Bu for everything.
  4. Y. An*r**s R., my best partner in crime. Like I promise you, I just write this thankful foreword with that code, ya you know lah hahaa. Thank you for being my inspiration and good luck for your study there, I'm gonna miss you so much.
  5. My Besties, they are Sanput Genk (Maylani, Ain, Ikah, Ningrum, Hestia, Yoza featuring Galih, Puput, Rini, and Mbak Lini), Metal UI 2010, Cemet 2010, PKK POFT UI 2010 (they are here), PSPO UI (especially Monica, Sisil, Juwita, Ka Ares and Alumni), KK (Ka Noni, Maylani, Ines, Sherly, Uli, Evi), Hi-School Mates (icut, hanna, andis, eldaa dkk), Junior Hi-School Mates (Erika, Grace, Vera, Tyas, Maya, Uthe, Jonket, Efod, Akbar, Putu, Becca dkk), GREPE (sorry guys, too long to write your name all. Click here for more information about them), Naposobulung HKBP Maranatha Rawa Lumbu (especially Pengurus Naposo), PKTB Maranatha (click here to know them), Komsel Uteng (Bang Porman, Bang Ferdinan, Bang Bobby, Bang Boyke, Bang Thurman, Bang Christian, Bang Dona, Ka Rani, Ka Echa, Ka Oktha), Neighbor (Anye and Bang Fredrick), and last but not least Abang Itu (hahahaaa anti-mainstream bangetsss).
  6. Departemen Teknik Metalurgi dan Material Universitas Indonesia, for being my best place, friends, partners, lecturers around 3,5 years.

I love all of them, for their kindness, faithfulness, maturity, pressure, and many things. Some of them send me messages, tweets, cards, flowers, gifts, even kisses (it's called cipika-cipiki). Actually, this is more than my birthday celebration (even when I was 17th hahaa) and at the time I know that they are so happy to see me happy when I've reached what I've been fighting for (awwww so weet guys). Honestly like Paulus said in Philippians 1:3 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you" (it's KJV version), thank you guys for being part of my life. For me, even this likes simple appreciation for my graduation, it's so meaningful and not forgotten. Love you, all.

Thank you guys :)
I don't know if this is wishful thinking or whatnot but I know that before a diamond is processed to become one heck of a beautiful, expensive ornament, it went through quite a lot of pressure. With my faithfulness and obedience while going through all these things, I hope to be the same, a diamond in the end. I guess this will be the major difference between being student and worker, the acceptance that there is actually a purpose for many things in the future. 

I found an article from New York Times's website, excerpts of the words of wisdom of some of the world's greatest men and women sending the Class of 2011 to the world. I read and I was inspired.
Sheryl Sandberg
Chief operating officer, Facebook
Barnard College
Women almost never make one decision to leave the work force. It doesn’t happen that way. They make small little decisions along the way that eventually lead them there. Maybe it’s the last year of med school when they say, “I’ll take a slightly less interesting specialty because I’m going to want more balance one day.” Maybe it’s the fifth year in a law firm when they say, “I’m not even sure I should go for partner, because I know I’m going to want kids eventually.” These women don’t even have relationships, and already they’re finding balance, balance for responsibilities they don’t yet have. And from that moment, they start quietly leaning back.
So, my heartfelt message to all of you is, and start thinking about this now, do not leave before you leave. Do not lean back; lean in. Put your foot on that gas pedal and keep it there until the day you have to make a decision, and then make a decision. That’s the only way, when that day comes, you’ll even have a decision to make.

Daniel F. AkersonChief executive, General Motors
Bryant University
I do have a few final bits of advice: Acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don’t be afraid of new ideas; be afraid of old ones. Be faithful to your family and friends. You’ll get the same in return. Tell the truth and always play by the rules. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

I am so proud of you guys, good luck and see you :)

Metalurgi dan Material 2010

So glad to be a part of your life,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Profesional

Sarjana Teknik

Dewi Lestari Natalia Marpaung, S.T

15 Januari 2014

Tanggal itu adalah tanggal yang sangat bersejarah buat gue, dimana gue menghadapi sidang skripsi. Kuliah selama 3,5 tahun di Teknik Metalurgi dan Material Universitas Indonesia diuji pada tanggal itu. Kalau beberapa hari yang lalu gue ngepost betapa deg-degannya perasaan gue menjelang sidang, sekarang gue ngepost betapa senang dan sukacitanya gue setelah sidang. Puji Tuhan sidang skripsi berjalan dengan lancar. 

Dua minggu ini memang sedang musim sidang di Fakultas Teknik UI, apalagi di Metal, sekitar 40-an anak angkatan 2010 menjalani sidang, baik itu sidang seminar atau pun sidang skripsi. Kebetulan saat sidang seminar beberapa minggu yang lalu, gue sangat santai dan gak ada takutnya sama sekali. Berbeda dengan sidang skripsi ini yang super duper meneggangkan. Ditambah lagi Tugas Akhir gue yang penuh halangan dan rintangan. Puji Tuhan semuanya berlangsung lancar pada hari Rabu tanggal 15 Januari 2014. Tuhan memberikan gue ketenangan yang luar biasa, Dia beserta gue saat gue benar-benar takut dan khawatir.

Filipi 4:13 yang adalah motto hidup gue, kembali menguatkan gue di hari-hari sebelum sidang, begini Firman Tuhan "Segala perkara dapat ku tanggung dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku".

Terima kasih untuk Mami dan Papa yang selalu mengingatkan gue untuk tetap berdoa dan melakukan yang terbaik. Terima kasih kepada dosen pembimbing, Prof Bondan untuk motivasi, semangat, dan pembelajarannya. Terima kasih untuk Ain dan Epson sebagai rekan TA. Terima kasih kepada GREPE, PSPO, PKK 2010, Genk Sanput, Metal 2010, dan semua teman-teman, saudara-saudara yang sudah mendoakan dan mendukung gue selama kurang lebih hampir satu tahun mengerjakan tugas akhir ini. Dan yang paling utama adalah, terima kasih untuk Tuhan Yesus atas segalanya yang gak bisa disebutkan satu per satu. Bersyukur banget punya Tuhan yang sangat luar biasa yang memberikan orang-orang yang luar biasa juga dalam hidup gue.

Rasanya sedih banget mengingat sebentar lagi bakalan ninggalin dunia kuliah, ninggalin kampus, ninggalin persekutuan kampus, ninggalin kosan, ninggalin temen-temen Metal 2010 yang masih berjuang kuliah, benar-benar sedih. Rasanya juga agak takut untuk masuk ke dunia pasca kampus, masih bergumul untuk ke depannya dan terus mendoakan. Sekarang tinggal ngurus revisian dan menunggu status SIAK-NG berubah jadi "LULUS" dan hello Sarjana Teknik :)

Maaf telat ngepost hehe
Sampai jumpa di cerita tentang wisuda tanggal 8 Februari 2014 :)

Sarjana Teknik,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Personal


Kuliah selama 3,5 tahun sebentar lagi akan berakhir, tepatnya 3 hari lagi, yaitu tanggal 15 Januari 2014.
Benar-benar tak terasa, pengerjaan tugas akhir dan penelitian selama kurang lebih satu tahun akan diuji dalam waktu tiga hari lagi. Perasaan? Hmm, perasaannya campur aduk, antara seneng, takut, deg-degan, sampai speechless tidak tahu mau dinamakan apa perasaan ini.

Hari ini, H-3 sidang skripsi, hari Minggu, sepanjang hari turun hujan. Banjir dimana-mana dan Kota Bekasi disulap menjadi seperti Puncak yang sangat dingin. Tapi ini tidak berpengaruh sama perasaan deg-degan yang terus terasa dalam kepala dan dalam hati. Waktu gereja ketemu banyak teman-teman gereja yang bertanya: "Dee, gimana sidangnya?", "Kapan sidang, Dee?", "Wah, udah mau selesai yah?" dan lain sebagainya. Sejujurnya pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu sangat sulit untuk dijawab, tapi aku menganggap itu sebagai dukungan dan doa-doa mereka. Mami dan Papa juga selalu mempertanyakan hal tersebut di rumah saat waktu senggang kami ngobrol-ngobrol. Aku gak bisa menjelaskan jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan mereka, tapi melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut aku jadi diingatkan lagi untuk melakukan yang terbaik agar aku kelak bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dengan jawaban yang baik juga.

Ucapan selamat hari Minggu dari rekan sepelayanku tadi pagi sangat menegur dan mengingatkanku, begini isi smsnya:

-"Lalu Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Mengapa kamu begitu takut? Mengapa kamu tidak percaya?"" Markus 40:4. Apapun pergumulan kita saat ini, belajar untuk serahin semuanya ke Tuhan :) Happy Sunday! Gbu-

Satu hal yang aku percaya, Tuhan tidak akan meninggalkan anakNya, Ia akan memberikan kelegaan kepada orang yang sedang kesesakan, memberikan kedamaian pada semua orang. Satu lagu dari Kidung Jemaat nomor 364 yang berjudul "Berserah kepada Yesus" bagian reff-nya menjadi penguatanku selama mengerjakan tugas akhir ini. Dalam versi bahasa aslinya, reff lagu ini berbunyi: "I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Jesus, I surrender. I surrender all".

Tunggu cerita selanjutnya 3 atau 4 hari setelah post ini.

Selamat sidang,
Dewi Lestari Natalia.

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In Life Thoughts Tips & Tutorial

What God Wants You to do Today

Sunday morning on the second week of December, I read this from tumblr and thank you for anyone who has made it. It's really reminding me again and again. I suggest you to read this and do this everyday in your life, I'm sure you would be a bless and nice person.

What God Wants You to do Today?? Here they are:
1. Be Thankful. Give thanks for Today and for all you have. God’s Will for our life includes a constant spirit of gratitude regardless of our circumstances. When we choose to give thanks, even if our circumstances don’t improve, our perspective certainly will.
“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

2. Don’t Worry.
 Refuse to let fear rob you of your peace. God is bigger than whatever you’re stressed about! Give your worries over to Him.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Philippians 4:6

3. Seek God.
 He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to pursue His Kingdom because you will eternally be part of it.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33
4. Help Others. We live in a selfish world, but selfishness isn’t part of God’s plan for any of our lives. He wants us to care for others every chance we get.
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

5. Trust God.
 Every difficult circumstance in your life is something God will use for your good and His glory. He has great blessings in store for you. Trust Him and don’t give up!
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “ Jeremiah 29:11


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In Life Song

The Name Lives On - David Phelps

Heavenly Father
We heard Your precious name
It stands to reason that a name is just a word
It can be easily be forgotten as soon as it is heard
But one name was spoken before the world's first day
And it will be here when everything that is has passed away

Delivered from the lips of God 
To Mary's ears on angel wings 
Jesus, Jesus 
The word that came to life for us 
The song that all creation sings 
Jesus, oh, Jesus 
The proudest nations of the earth 
Have come and gone 
But Jesus, the name lives on 

When I'm awakened by a terrifying dream 
And desperation reaches up and clutches me 
When I am so afraid that I don't even know how to pray 
I simply speak it and I feel it and it chases fear away 

Eternal hope and promise 
The ever breaking dawn 
When time itself is over 
The name lives on

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