In Jabodetabek Jawa Barat Travel

Culture Trip to Pulo Geulis

Some months ago, in the begining of this year, we have celebrated Lunar New Year. We've got one day free and got our holiday. I spent that holiday with Ka Ares, Monica, Juwita, and Afry. Respected the Lunar New Year, we went to some Klentengs in Bogor. We've got new knowledge about Chinese culture and history. One of Klenteng where we visited is Klenteng Pan Kho Bio or (Vihara Maha Brahma) in Pulo Geulis and Klenteng Hok Tek Bio (Vihara Dhanagun) in Suryakencana Road.

Pulo Geulis is a small island in the middle of Ciliwung river flow around Kebun Raya Bogor. Actually, Pulo Geulis is not actual island and it also not a delta of a river, but because Ciliwung river flow split into some flow and it reunite before Kebun Raya Bogor then Pulo Geulis looks like an island. While, Suryakencana is like a china town in Bogor which has been known since long time ago, it is one of the oldest road in Bogor.

How to go there?
If you want to get here, you can go to Suryakencana Road in Bogor. You can go there by Commuter Line, and get to Stasiun Bogor. After that, you can take angkot which go to Suryakencana from Stasiun Bogor. And, welcome to the Suryakencana Road, the most popular china tow in Bogor. You can visit Klenteng Pan Kho Bio first and eat culinary around Suryakencana (like soto kuning, pork food, soto bogor, laksa, kue cubit, uli bakar, etc).

If you want to go to Pulo Geulis, you can take any angkot which pass through Suryakencana road and drop in front of Indomaret Suryakencana. There no angkot or car pass Pulo Geulis, we can walk away the small roads (jalan gang kecil di sekitar pemukiman warga) and across the bridge and find the secluded Pulo Geulis. For your information, jalan menuju Pulo Geulis dari Jalan Suryakencana cukup jauh loh hiksss.

How much we must pay?
There is no any special payment to go here. Just spend your money to pay the Commuter Line ticket and charge of angkot. The total is around Rp 20.000. Bogor culinary around Suryakencana road is cheap enough, around Rp 20.000 - Rp 40.000. Ohya, in Vihara Maha Brahma, we had been sharing about Culture and History of the Vihara, because Vihara Maha Brahma is the oldest Vihara in Bogor. We got so many information about Imlek Celebration and Culture from one of the people there. There are some charity boxes placed near the stupa in the Vihara. Maybe, for the extra payment you could load your money inside the box.

What we do in Pulo Geulis?
Because it was a cultute trip, in Pulo Geulis you can learn about another culture which maybe you never heard about that before. It will increase you culture knowledge. Beside that, like I have told you before, you can get culinary along the Suryakencana road because it was well-known about the food. 

Here're some tips:
1. Prepare your feet to walk around Suryakencana road, because it's so crowded and there's no angkot there (only in one way)
2. Bring your umbrella if you want to visit there in the Chinese New Year Day. As we know, in the Chinese New Year Day, rainy will fall around the day.
3. Have fun with a new way to spend your holiday :)

Vihara Mahabrahma

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