In Life Profesional


This is all about CRAFT FTUI 2013 “Glow in the Art of Rock”. CRAFT (Creation of Art) is the biggest music event in the Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia presented by BKST FTUI (Bengkel Kreasi Seni dan Tari FTUI). This year, CRAFT FTUI 2013 (@CRAFT2013) had four series of event. There were Band Competition, Workshop and Photo Competition, Pre-Event, and Main Event.

Workshop & Photo Competition + Band Competition Poster @CRAFT2013

The Main Event held on March 22nd, 2013 at Campus Ground FTUI. Started from 5pm until 12am and extremely full of rock atmosphere. Only pay IDR 40K for the ticket, you could feel the rock and roll air with TOR, Polka Wars, Gugun Blues Shelter, and The S.I.G.I.T, also special performance by BKST All Star and Band Competition Finalist.

@CRAFT2013 poster
@CRAFT2013 "Glow in the Art of Rock"

The first performance was from “Spicyhead”, one of the three band competition finalists. After that, we are presented by the second band competition finalist, “The Fuzz Buzz”. Around 7pm, our first guest star performed with their rocking and amazing performance. They are TOR (@TORnografi). Next performance from the third finalist band competition, “Rezzemair”.

TOR Performance @CRAFT 2013
Enough? No, our second guest star, Polka Wars (@polkawars) was rocking the venue with their songs for several minutes. And here was the moment which was awaited by the band competition finalist, the winner announcement. Congratulation to Rezzemair as the first winner, The Fuzz Buzz as the second winner, and Spicyhead for the third winner. Congratz bro, you’re rack and roll, funk, and awesome!!

Polka Wars @CRAFT 2013
The Winner of Band Competition @CRAFT 2013
Around 9pm, our special guest star showed off with amusing act and beautiful traditional dance, BKST All Star (@BKST). No less amuse and entertain from BKST All Star, our MC was crazily hilarious and humorous @adjisdoaibu feat @gilangombloh.

BKST All Star on @CRAFT 2013
MC on @CRAFT 2013
Finally almost near to the top of the event, our main guest star would give their soul of blues for us. Gugun Blues Shelter (@GbluesShelter) was quivering FTUI Campus Ground. Gugun Blues Shelter let the blues rule the night, wohoooooo. The aggresive rythm from Gugun Blues Shelter really rock our venue.

Gugun Blues Shelter on @CRAFT2013

At the top of CRAFT FTUI 2013, The S.I.G.I.T (@thesigit) was ready to rock your soul until the end of this day. The crowd sang along with The S.I.G.I.T and crazily screamed the songs. Performanced by @thesigit was rocking the stage! Splendid Performance!! All the crowd was clapping their hands and singing along.
The S.I.G.I.T on @CRAFT2013

The Crowd fill the campus ground on @CRAFT2013
Committees of @CRAFT2013

Well, that’s the show. See you next two years :)